In the simplest, shortest words - for everyone. This is one of the few situations where generalization is true: virtually everyone can benefit from psychotherapy. In the next entries I will try to explain what psychotherapy can give you, under what circumstances it is worth seeing a therapist and what to expect in her office.


Person-centered psychotherapy is based on three pillars described by its creator, Carl Rogers. These pillars are the authenticity of the therapist, who is honest, true in relation to the client, shares her feelings and thoughts; it is empathy, that is mindfull attention to the client's emotions, to his body language, to all shades of his experience; and unconditional positive regard: accepting the client as he or she is, without attempting to correct, improve or cure him or her. These three elements should be present in the therapist’s office from the first session. They make the client feel really perceived, heard and received.


It's an experience that doesn't happen often in life. Many relationships that we make in life are subject to numerous conditions: I will like you if you are nice and girly; I will be friends with you if you are helpful; I will be tender to you if you are strong; I will support you if you are submissive ... The psychotherapist, on the other hand, accepts the client as he is: with his strengths, but also with his flaws, weaknesses and fears. It helps to look at them, see them and get to know them - not to change for the better – but to know who you really are. Being accepted fully, completely and unconditionally is an extremely positive experience, giving a sense of security and acceptance, while at the same time building space for personal growth and seeking new paths. For this experience, it is worth looking into the psychotherapeutic office.